"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 5

Make sure you have read the evaluation criteria for the Trial Lawyer of the Year Award before continuing with your submission. Submissions that lack basic and clear information about the filing and settlement/judgment/verdict in the case will not be considered.

This year, you will have the ability to save this form and return to it at a later time to complete and submit should you need to gather additional materials or information.

Please direct any questions about the award or the nominations process to Vicky Ni at vni@publicjustice.net.

Please note that to be considered for the 2025 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award, the final settlement/judgment/verdict in the case needs to have been entered between January 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025. The deadline for submitting nominations is February 28th, 2025.

To download a paper form of the full nomination form, please click here.

*= required field

Brief History of the Case

Please provide a short (maximum 500 words), clear summary of the case, highlighting the key issues litigated, the public interest significance of the litigation, and the outcome of the case. The summary should briefly explain who the plaintiff(s) was/were, explain the main allegations of the plaintiff(s), and address the following award criteria, which will be used by the Public Justice Foundation’s Impact Litigation and Legal Strategy Committee to evaluate the case against other nominated cases.
  1. The result. This includes the specific relief obtained and whether it is final, including the amount of damages, the nature and extent of injunctive relief obtained, other results obtained, the current status of the case, and whether an appeal was taken and won.

  2. The public interest significance of the case. This includes the public interest issues that were litigated, the novelty of the issues involved, the importance of the case, whether the case made “new law,” and whether it affected others similarly situated.

  3. The harmfulness of the defendant’s conduct. This includes the enormity of the wrong committed by the defendant and the degree of suffering or victimization of the plaintiffs.

  4. The dedication, tenacity, and skill of the trial lawyer(s) involved. This includes the length of the case, the strategic and tactical skill involved, the obstacles and pitfalls overcome, the difficulty of the procedural hurdles, and trial strategy.

  5. The extent to which the case advances any of the goals set forth in our vision statement:
    Public Justice pursues high impact lawsuits to:
    • combat social and economic injustice,
    • protect the Earth’s sustainability,
    • challenge predatory corporate conduct and government abuses.
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Was there a trial?
Was there a jury verdict and/or judgment award to the plaintiff(s)?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Was there a settlement?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If it was a class action settlement, has it been finally approved by the court (is it a final settlement)?
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