
Attorney Resources

Public Justice’s Students’ Civil Rights Project provides support and resources to attorneys across the country litigating discrimination cases on behalf of students. Below, you will find a list of resources for lawyers.

Public Justice regularly partners with plaintiffs’ attorneys as co-counsel in important cases about discrimination in schools. We join some cases at the district court level, often before filing or when plaintiffs replead complaints after a dismissal. We also regularly join cases to brief and argue appeals on behalf of student-plaintiffs, or to oppose cert petitions filed in the U.S. Supreme Court. If you are interested in collaborating with Public Justice on a case, please contact us here.

  • Read our list of verdicts and settlements in higher education harassment & bullying cases (updated twice per year, most recently in Spring 2024).
  • Read our list of verdicts and settlements in K-12 harassment & bullying cases (updated twice per year, most recently in Winter 2024)
  • Read our guide to establishing damages for students in Title VI and Title IX claims after Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller (June 2023)
  • Read our primer on litigating bullying cases (2017).
  • Read our guide on How to Evaluate a School Bullying Case (2019)
  • Read Adele Kimmel’s paper on K-12 Campus Sexual Assault (2015)
  • Read Adele Kimmel and Nancy Willard’s Trial magazine article Cyberbullying, From Schoolhouse to Courthouse (January 2018) discussing schools’ responsibility to address cyberbullying
  • Read Shariful Khan’s article in the Yale Law Journal Forum about the application of certain federal anti-discrimination statutes, including Title IX and Title VI, to tax-exempt private institutions (2024)
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