
For The Media

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About Public Justice

Public Justice fights for consumer and victims’ rights, environmental protection and safety, civil rights and civil liberties, workers’ rights, America’s civil justice system, and the wronged, the poor and the powerless. We accomplish this through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation.

Sourcing at Public Justice

Reporters, editors and producers are welcome to contact Public Justice for insight and analysis any time you are researching or reporting on legal issues and developments. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Consumers’ Rights
  • Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
  • Anti-Bullying Litigation
  • Environmental Protection
  • Prisoners’ and Detainees’ Rights
  • Class Action Preservation
  • Court Secrecy
  • Mandatory Arbitration
  • Federal Preemption
  • Access to the Courts
  • Workers’ Rights

Our Cases

Public Justice fights for justice through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation designed to enhance consumer and victims’ rights, environmental protection and safety, civil rights and civil liberties, workers’ rights, America’s civil justice system, and the protection of the poor and powerless. Our Access to Justice Campaign keeps the courthouse doors open to all by battling federal preemption of injury victims’ rights, unfair mandatory arbitration, class action bans and abuse, unnecessary secrecy in the courts, attacks on the right to counsel and jury trial, and unconstitutional legislation.


Our email newsletter, Justice Briefs, is sent monthly. Each newsletter provides feature articles or brief updates on each case in the wide-ranging public interest litigation docket of Public Justice. This includes coverage of our special litigation projects on environmental enforcement; fighting unnecessary court secrecy; fighting federal preemption of injury victims’ claims; fighting mandatory arbitration abuse; and preventing class action abuse.

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