

As part of work in creating change and demanding a more just system, we at Public Justice believe that there is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to holding our government accountable and ensuring it works the way it was meant to.

This means joining together with our allies and partner organizations in supporting the appointment of leaders who seek social and economic justice for all, as well as calling for legislation that corrects unfair policies, expands protections, and preserves access to justice for everyone.

Below, you’ll find the most recent list of Public Justice’s endorsements, including pending legislation, policy, and nominee positions, and letters we’ve signed onto or initiated.

There must be accountability for government leaders and institutions who say they are working for us. When they fail to do so, we cannot stay silent. As part of our advocacy work, we take these positions in service of our organizational mission seeking to fight injustice and effect positive change.

In addition to our letters of support, we also harness the power of our members and partner organizations to call on the general public to join us in taking action. Learn more about how you can get involved with our latest movements by visiting our Public Justice Action webpage.


  • We asked Congress again to take up the FAIR Act.
  • We support A6889/S8201 (New York state), which eliminates baseless roadblocks for consumers who are bound to arbitration and penalizes drafters that do not honor the terms of their contracts. Read our memo of support.
  • We oppose HR 7428, which would exempt fintech cash advances from the Truth in Lending Act and facilitate new evasions by payday lenders. We joined 141 allies in a letter to the bill’s author Rep. Bryan Steil. A predatory loan is still a predatory loan whether it’s offered in a storefront or an app.


*indicates nominations are still pending
**nominees have been confirmed

  • We are proud to endorse our very own Access to Justice Co-Director and Senior Attorney Karla Gilbride to serve as General Counsel for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
  • We joined the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) (May 2022) and more than 50 ally organizations in support of the nomination of Kalpana Kotagal to serve as a Commissioner on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). (PDF)
  • We called on our supporters and allies to join us urging members of Congress to confirm Rohit Chopra for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director (PJ Action)**
  • We joined the National Women’s Law Center (July 2021) and more than 45 ally organizations to call on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to support the nomination of Catherine Lhamon for Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Education. (PDF)**
  • We joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (March 2021) and more than 50 organizations in support of the nomination of Julie Su for U.S. Department of Labor Deputy Secretary. (PDF)** (Nomination advanced through Senate HELP Committee)
  • We joined over 350 LGBTQ+ and ally organizations (January 2021) to co-sign a letter to Members of Congress in support of Dr. Rachel Levine’s nomination for Assistant Secretary of Health.**

General Advocacy

  • We supported the CFPB’s interpretive rule on earned wage access.
  • We joined with 90 other organizations to encourage the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to further strengthen its interpretive rule on Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) products.
  • Read our letter with The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and ally organizations to President Biden in support of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. (PDF)
  • Read our letter with Public Citizen and ally organizations to SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s office asking the SEC to issue a rulemaking banning the use of mandatory pre-dispute arbitration agreements in investment adviser and broker-dealer contracts. (PDF)
  • Read our letter with Public Citizen and ally organizations asking the Federal Communication Commission to include a ban on forced arbitration contracts with telecommunications providers in their proposed rulemaking. (PDF)
  • We joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (March 2023) and 177 ally organizations in a letter of opposition to H.R. 734, a bill that bans transgender, nonbinary, and intersex students from participating in athletics. (PDF)
  • We joined the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and 75+ organizations (June 2023) to President Biden urging him to finalize the Title IX rule before the start of the 2023-24 school year. (PDF)
  • We joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (July 2023) in an open letter supporting the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ youth, calling for laws and policies that protect transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people from discrimination, including participation in sports, access to gender-affirming care, access to school facilities, and access to inclusive curriculum. (PDF)
  • Read our letter with over 90 ally groups (2022) to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra requesting that the CFPB begin a rulemaking process to ban medical debts from credit reports for medically necessary services. (PDF)
  • Read our letter with over 100 ally groups (2022) urging Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra to exercise the agency’s authority to limit forced arbitration clauses in financial services. (PDF)
  • Read our comment with the National Womens’ Law Center (2022) to the Department of Education in response to the proposed Title IX regulations.
  • We joined the National Women’s Law Center and more than 200 ally organizations to send a letter to the Biden Administration, urging them to release a Title IX NPRM by the 50th Anniversary on June 23, 2022. (PDF)
  • We joined more than 100 organizations (March 2022) to release a statement in support of transgender youth in Texas. (PDF)
  • We joined 26 organizations (March 2022) to send a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Food Safety regarding its consideration of a new poultry line speed waiver program that would allow chicken plants to increase slaughter line speeds beyond the limit established in the 2014 regulations, the New Poultry Inspection System. (PDF)
  • We joined 145 organizations (February 2022) to send a letter to the “Big Three” credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and Transunion) and to the Consumer Data Industry Association urging them to take needed actions to correct credit report problems for transgender and nonbinary consumers. (PDF)
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