
Illuminating Injustice Award Nomination Form

2025 Public Justice Illuminating Injustice Nominee Information Form

Nominee Information Form

Step 1 of 4

  • Here are the criteria by which the Members of the Public Justice Foundation’s Communications & Marketing Committee will evaluate each nominated individual or group.
    1. The magnitude or severity of harm suffered by the individual or group of individuals.  This includes the degree of suffering or victimization of the plaintiff(s).
    2. Whether the legal barrier to just compensation represents an access to justice issue that many individuals face.  These issues include, but are not limited to, forced arbitration and federal preemption.
    3. The harmfulness of the defendant’s conduct and likelihood that the defendant’s conduct would cause harm.  This includes the enormity of the wrong committed by the defendant, and whether the defendant’s conduct was willful.
    4. Whether the legal case concluded within the previous calendar year.  This takes into account the date of the adverse court decision or verdict.
    This form will likely take at least ten minutes to finish, please have information about the facts of the case, as well as contact information for the injured party or parties with you before beginning, as you will not have an opportunity to save your submission before submitting.

    Please direct any questions about the award or the submission process to sralls@publicjustice.net.
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