In the Matter of All Operating Boiling Water Licensees with Mark I & Mark 2 Containments (Pigrim Watch)
Public Justice is counsel for Pilgrim Watch, a citizens group that opposes Entergy Corp.’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Mass., in this administrative proceeding about securing the public’s right to a hearing on the adequacy of safety upgrades to nuclear power plants, which was ordered in response to Japan’s Fukushima disaster. Oral argument was held in June 2012 at a federal courthouse in Boston before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on the issue of Pilgrim Watch’s standing and scope. The Board was trying to determine if it should hold a broader evidentiary hearing on Pilgrim Watch’s claims, and it ruled that Pilgrim Watch has standing, but that the issues it raised were beyond the scope of the hearing. Pilgrim Watch is appealing. Public Justice’s Power-Cotchett Attorney Richard Webster is counsel.