
Phonathon Volunteers Use Friendly Competition to Boost Fundraising

Phonathon Volunteers Use Friendly Competition to Boost Fundraising

By Aidan O’Shea

Communications Specialist

Together, the two teams of volunteers in this year’s competitive Public Justice Phonathon May 1, the “Rustlers” and the “Rangers”, competed to raise $407,295 and recruited or renewed 285 members, far outpacing their combined goal of $325,000 and 120 new members.

Public Justice’s volunteers again donated their time to support the work of Public Justice during the Spring 2014 Board Meeting in Dallas, but the structure added a new twist to the event aimed at recruiting and renewing Public Justice members.

This year, the Phonathon in Dallas was the culmination of an 11-week “membership season” in which the Rustlers and Rangers were able to form their own fundraising strategies and maximize the number of new Public Justice members.

“It was inspiring to watch the dedication of all the members,” said Maggie Barr, Membership Manager.

The Rustlers, led by Dan Bryson, Tara Sutton and Mike Swanson, edged out the Rangers, under the leadership of Brad Moore, Beth Terrell, and Mark Baller, by raising a total of $296,270 and recruiting or renewing 164 members.


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