Day One Executive Actions Imperil Clean Air & Water Efforts
On his very first day in office, President Trump signed a series of executive orders that will undermine any efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to protect clean air and water and curb climate change. While Trump’s nominee to head the agency, former Congressman Lee Zeldin, told Senators during his confirmation hearing that he believes climate change is real, Trump’s orders make any action to address the causes of climate change impossible.
In a new piece on Medium, Dan Snyder, Director of Public Justice’s Environmental Enforce Project, writes that, “At a time when we need to do more, the Trump climate agenda, entrusted to Zeldin to carry out, would be all about doing much, much less,” but that Public Justice will continue to “harness the power of citizen suits to bring transformative change for the victims of corporate greed, exploitation and pollution.”
Read Dan’s full vision of how Public Justice can help move environmental justice forward even as the new Administration abandons the EPA’s charge to keep our communities, the air we breathe, and the water we drink safe and healthy, on Medium.