
I Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

I Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

I’ve always considered those of us fortunate enough to work within the trial bar to be especially lucky: We spend our days fighting to make the world a little better for our clients, their families and all of our communities – and, sometimes, we get to make the law a little bit better, too. That’s why I first joined Public Justice in 1997 and it is why I have been so honored to lead this incredible group of advocates as executive director over the past nine years.

Today, I’m writing to let you know that, next May, I plan to step aside so that the next incredible chapter of this organization’s history can begin. And to let you know how grateful I am for your support, which has made our past victories possible and an even brighter future attainable.

Together, we have transformed Public Justice from a small, scrappy, and determined group of lawyers into a nationally respected force for advocacy and change. Over the past decade, you’ve helped us build an outreach and communications program that is winning in the court of public opinion while our stellar team of legal advocates win in courts across the country. We’ve taken on polluters, abusers, deceptive corporations and corrupt systems – and we’ve won sweeping, meaningful changes that will endure for generations. We’ve doubled the size of our team and tripled the resources they have available to help them succeed.

But while my work at Public Justice is coming to a close, the work of the Public Justice team will – and must – continue, for there is much yet to be done. Justice is under attack, equality is in peril and opportunity is still too far out of reach for too many. That’s why I will remain a Public Justice supporter, and I hope you will, too.

You can rest assured that your investment in this vibrant organization will always be put to good use and stewarded by a team of extraordinary professionals. And the good work you have so generously made possible during my time here will continue, grow and thrive. Even as I write this, our team is preparing cases and campaigns to help protect workers, beat the scourge of forced arbitration and take on the systemic racism and inequality that infuses too many corners of our country. They’re determined to win, but they need you – and me – with them. So I’m writing today to say: Let’s have their backs and keep this essential movement for justice for all moving forward.

Over the coming weeks and months, I’ll be traveling the country and hope to see many of you and thank you personally for the support and friendship you have shown me, and the rest of the Public Justice team, over the years, and I look forward to introducing you to my successor soon. I know they will consider themselves as lucky as I have to be part of this special place that has been built, maintained and tended to by each of you.

Thank you for being part of my journey and part of the Public Justice family. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Paul Bland
Executive Director
Public Justice

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