
Public Justice Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Public Justice Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Both during her tenure on the U.S. Supreme Court, and in her earlier career as a litigator and advocate, Ruth Bader Ginsburg changed our country for the better. She was a powerful, and tireless, voice for equality and an inspiration to all of us who believe the legal system has a critical role to play in ensuring our country’s promise of ‘liberty and justice for all.’ Long before her appointment to our country’s highest court, Ginsburg played a leading role in shaping and guiding our legal system’s understanding of the constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. Her efforts paved the way for landmark court rulings that extended our promise of equality to women, African-Americans and the LGBTQ community. Time and again, Justice Ginsburg showed, and made possible, the critical role our courts play in protecting the most vulnerable and standing with the most courageous, whether they be same-sex couples seeking marriage equality, consumers asking for their day in court or women aspiring to serve at our military academies.

As advocates for a strong civil justice system, all of us at Public Justice mourn the loss of her voice, her brilliance and her example. She made our country, and our constitution, more expansive, more inclusive and more compassionate towards all. Her passing leaves a great void that we must work together to fill so that her legacy endures and the work she so passionately believed in goes on.


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