
Monthly Webinar

Tyson, The Supreme Court, and the Future of Class Actions: How One Case Could Change the Future of Class Actions

October 14, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. EDT/noon PST 

Jocelyn Larkin of the Impact Fund and Jason Lichtman of Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein discuss one of the fall’s blockbuster Supreme Court cases. Tyson v. Bouaphakeo could drastically change the future of class action litigation. Hear from two of the country’s foremost experts about how this important case could also impact wage and hour lawsuits and the role of experts and evidence in litigation.

Larkin and Lichtman will explain why consumer advocates and class action litigators must pay close attention to the case and why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is fighting alongside one of the country’s largest food producers to turn consumers and workers away from the courthouse door.

This webinar has ended. Please see a recording and slides on our Video Recording of Past Webinars page. 


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