Public Justice Statement in Support of Attorney Karla Gilbride’s Nomination to Serve as General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
For Immediate Release
June 3, 2022
Contact: Lucy Sears
(240) 676-4499 |
Public Justice Statement in Support of Attorney Karla Gilbride’s Nomination to Serve as General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Washington, DC – The Public Justice Foundation issued the following statement in support of President Biden’s nomination of Karla Gilbride, a Senior Attorney and Co-Director of the Access to Justice Project at Public Justice, to serve as General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):
“Public Justice strongly supports President Biden’s nomination of Karla Gilbride and urges Senators to swiftly confirm her with bipartisan support. Karla is an extraordinarily well-qualified choice to help lead the EEOC and has a proven track record of advocating for commonsense legal protections for workers who have been cheated or discriminated against, and those whose civil rights and civil liberties have been wrongly violated.
Karla Gilbride has argued, and won, important cases before judges across the political and ideological spectrum, including her recent unanimous U.S. Supreme Court victory on behalf of working-class employees in Morgan v. Sundance. She has earned a reputation among her co-workers, co-counsel and other colleagues as a smart and fair-minded leader who is also a consensus builder and a compassionate advocate both within, and outside of, the courts.
Karla would bring an important and, too often, overlooked perspective to her work at the EEOC. Since joining Public Justice in 2015, she has litigated cases that impact the lives of people in important and meaningful ways, who have too-often been underserved in our legal system. Her work has not only improved the lives of her clients, but has also improved life for their families and the communities in which they live. She understands that the work of the justice system can have a positive, lasting impact on the day-to-day lives of Americans. As a long-time litigator of employment law cases, a consumer advocate and a strong proponent of civil rights and liberties, Karla has always, and will continue, to work from a foundational belief that our government, and our justice system, must treat everyone – regardless of identity, ideology or background – equally under the law.
Karla’s case docket during her time at Public Justice reflects a strong commitment to standing with families, workers and others fighting systemic and institutional injustice. Her legal career has focused on helping those traditionally locked out of the justice system and/or denied their day in court. She will be a leader every Senator, and every American, can be confident is working in ways that make the American dream more obtainable and our country’s promise of ‘liberty and justice for all’ more possible for everyone.
We are proud to endorse Karla for this important position. We also applaud President Biden for recognizing her extraordinary work with our clients and her undeniable readiness to serve.”
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