
Public Justice Statement on the Firing of Rohit Chopra

Public Justice Statement on the Firing of Rohit Chopra

Public Justice condemns Donald Trump’s firing of Rohit Chopra, who has served as the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau since 2021. Under Director Chopra, the CFPB has excelled at doing exactly what Congress intended it to do: serving as America’s consumer watchdog. Billions of dollars have been returned to consumers through the CFPB’s tireless enforcement actions, and billions more would have been saved through its recent rules against medical debt, late fees, and overdraft fees. Now those rules are at risk of being rolled back, and without the pro-consumer leadership of Rohit Chopra, the entire agency is at risk of becoming a weak mouthpiece for the banking industry. 

It is especially troubling that Director Chopra’s firing comes after the Consumer Bankers Association and the Electronic Payments Coalition called for it. These trade groups represent the precisely the kinds of companies that the CFPB is responsible for keeping in check. While Director Chopra readied his agency to begin working with President Trump on capping credit card interest rates—one of his key campaign promises—the banks were asking the President to fire him. This action demonstrates that the Trump administration has no interest in actually helping working people, but only intends to serve the interests of big banks and the mega-rich. Just as wolves should not guard the sheep, banks should not get to pick their regulators. 

We thank Director Chopra for his dedicated service to protecting consumers, by which we mean all of us. We call upon every Senator to demand a nominee for the CFPB who has a clear track record of putting consumers first, and will not be afraid to take effective action against attempts by big corporations to fleece the hardworking people of this country.  

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