
Tell Your Representative to Vote No on Closing the Courthouse Doors

Tell Your Representative to Vote No on Closing the Courthouse Doors

By Paul Bland
Executive Director

Lawmakers in Congress are about to vote on a bill that would seriously jeopardize Americans’ right to their day in court. We need your help to stop this dangerous legislation which will make it easier for corporations to break the law and get away with it.

Please call your Member of Congress and ask them to vote ‘No’ on H.R. 985, the so-called “Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act.” If it becomes law, this sweeping bill would make it virtually impossible for Americans who are cheated or wronged to band together and seek justice in our courts.

Call the Capitol Switchboard today at (202) 224-3121
and ask the operator to connect you to your Representative in the House.

Also, tweet @Public_Justice after you’ve made the call using “#RighttoFight”, and we’ll retweet you to build momentum and get others on the phone.

Class actions are a crucial tool for protecting people who are cheated, victims of sexual harassment, defective products, wage theft, and many more. But if H.R. 985 becomes law, most of these cases will likely be eliminated and countless Americans will be blocked at the courthouse doors.

Corporate lobbyists are pushing hard for this legislation, which would immunize much of corporate America – and Wall Street – from being held accountable in the courts. But with your help, we can send a message to lawmakers that voters are watching to see whose side Congress is really on.

Please, take just a moment to call your Representative today. Together, we can ensure America’s courts remain open, and working, for everyone.

For more information on H.R. 985, including talking points to use for Congressional calls and meetings, letters to the editor or op-eds, (courtesy of our friends at the American Association for Justice), click here.

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